Understanding the Percentage of Medical Claims Denied and Never Reimbursed
Medical billing is a crucial aspect of the healthcare industry, as it ensures that healthcare providers receive reimbursement for the services they render. However, denials of medical claims can be a significant challenge, impacting the financial stability of healthcare organizations.
How Much Does a Denied Claim Cost You?
As you can see, there are many benefits to reviewing your medical practice’s performance over the year. Doing so can help you identify how well your team is doing in various areas, such a…
When Will Claims Be Paid?
A question we are often asked is how long it takes to get a claim paid. It sounds like a simple question, but it isn’t. Certainly, every billing company and every biller wishes it were so simple. The reality is that it depends on many factors. Let’s break it down.
Are Denied Claims Costing Your Practice Money?
Practice owners review many valuable metrics that help monitor the practice’s finances. Some industry experts say the key metric is the clean claims ratio and insist it is essential for real success.
There Is a Cure to Medical Necessity Denials
Did you know that claims for services that do not meet the requirements of medical necessity are getting denied instantly? Payers are increasingly more focused on the issue of medical necessity.
8 Ways to Play the Prior Authorization Game
Playing the prior authorization game is an art, not a science. There is nothing more frustrating to physicians than knowing a patient needs a certain diagnostic test or medication and having them not be able to get it because their health insurance company won’t cover it.