Seamless Electronic Health Record (EHR) Integration
The AdvancedMD Practice Management (PM) software interfaces with literally hundreds of certified electronic health records (EHR).
Of course, AdvancedMD also has an EHR that is completely and seamlessly integrated with the AdvancedMD PM. It is certainly worth checking out.
However, we think it is critical that physicians be able to choose the electronic health record that is best for the practice. Although you may be thinking of a software suite, we don’t want to force you into that purchase. We think it is important that you be able to choose the perfect EHR and still get the perfect PM software. We know it may or may not be the same software vendor, but we want that choice to be yours.
As far back as 2012, there were proponents advocating keeping the EHR and the PM separate. Daniel Essin, MA, MD wrote an article, Improve EHR Systems by Rethinking Medical Billing identifying four reasons why physicians should keep their EHR software separate from their billing system. But separate doesn’t mean isolated systems. When working with an EHR and PM from two different vendors it is important that there is a stable bi-directional interface available.
Regardless of the EHR decision you make or have made for your practice, the key factor for Onpoint is that the EHR and PM be seamlessly integrated. This will allow the clinic staff to work in one system while allowing the Onpoint staff to access all data, as needed.
Many EHRs understand how important integration is and they are constantly developing interfaces to seamlessly integrate with AdvancedMD practice management software and other premier practice management systems. Some EHRs truly believe that each practice should have the option of choosing the best EHR and the best PM for the practice. They think this is so important that they pay for the interface and others believe that cost should be borne by you, the provider. If you want to know if your EHR interfaces with the practice management software that Onpoint uses, please email or call us and we will check it out for you. These compatible, interfaced systems provide the increased functionality that your practice needs.
One final comment about EHRs…
Onpoint Medical Solutions is not vested in any particular EHR. We want only what is best for your practice. Yes, we have clients using various EHR’s and there are pros and cons to each because there is no perfect EHR. It is, after all, a highly personal decision so what works for one provider may not work for another.