Onpoint Medical Solutions

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How Can You Make Your Patients Feel Special?

Making someone feel special is about showing them that they are important to you and that you care about them.  When showing patients they are special, it’s all about taking the time to listen to them, appreciate them, and make them feel valued.  Here are some tips on how to make your patients feel special:

  1. Show interest in their life:  One of the best ways to make someone feel special is to show a genuine interest in them.  Ask your patients about their day, their hobbies, and their interests.  Listen actively and respond with thoughtful questions and comments.  This will show that you care about them as a person and not just about their medical condition.

  2. Give them your undivided attention:  When you are with your patients, make a conscious effort to give them your undivided attention. Take your hand off the doorknob and sit down; face your patient, not the computer. This will show your patients that you value their time and that they are important to you.

  3. Explain and answer questions:  What is second nature to you is not second nature to your patients.  Speak slowly when explaining their medical situation and the treatment plan.  Let them ask questions and take the time to answer in a way that they will understand.

In conclusion, making your patients feel special is all about showing them that you value them as a person and that you care about their well-being.  By taking the time to do the above, you can make your patients feel valued and appreciated.  They will not only return to your practice, but they will refer others.

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